How to Distinguish a Plane Draw 101

Programme, Section, and Meridian are dissimilar types of drawings used by architects to graphically represent a edifice blueprint and construction. A plan cartoon is a drawing on a horizontal airplane showing a view from above. An Pinnacle drawing is drawn on a vertical airplane showing a vertical depiction. A section drawing is besides a vertical depiction, but one that cuts through infinite to prove what lies within.

  • Plan
  • Section
  • Tiptop

I am Jorge Fontan, an architect in New York and possessor of Fontan Compages. In this postal service, I will review some of the bones concepts of architectural drawing.

Plan Drawing Definition

Plan drawings are specific drawings architects utilise to illustrate a building or portion of a edifice. A program is drawn from a horizontal plane looking down from higher up. This is equally if you sliced through a infinite horizontally and stood over looking down on it. Plans are a common design cartoon and technical architectural or technology convention for graphic representation of architecture. With the exception of plan perspectives, program drawings are orthographic projections. This means they are non drawn in perspective and there is no foreshortening.

In that location are different types of program drawings:

  • Plan
  • Plan Callout or Blow Up Plan
  • Programme Detail
  • Site Programme
  • Roof Plan
  • Reflected Ceiling Program or RCP
  • Plan Perspective

Plan Drawings

A plan drawing shows a view from above. This is often used to depict the layout of a building, showing locations of rooms and windows, walls, doors, stairs etc. Although program drawings can exist drawn from above, they are often drawn cutting through the edifice with horizontal aeroplane. The program is typically cut at a superlative of about four feet, merely the architect drawing the plan may cut it at a different height. This means that you take an imaginary plane cutting through the edifice at an tiptop of iv feet above the floor. Therefore, you see in the cut annihilation that the plane passes through.

Programme Callouts

Another common architectural convention is the apply of program callouts. A callout is an surface area within the plan that is drawn at a larger scale. For case, if I have a floor plan at i/4″ = 1′-0″ calibration of a house, I might accept a callout of the kitchen and bathrooms, showing them at 1/2″ = 1′-0″ scale. One-half inch scale is twice every bit large as quarter inch scale.

Program Details

Details in architectural drawings are large calibration drawings that typically testify how something is built. Details identify all the materials and connections for construction. Details are normally 3/4″ = one′-0″ or larger. Plan details are fatigued in a plan view at a large calibration to bear witness the construction.

Site Plan

A site programme may or may not be drawn cutting through the building. A site plan is going to show more than than just the edifice, including the unabridged site the building is located on. This can show the holding lines, the building location, utilities, roads, mural etc. A site programme will most typically be drawn from above the building, equally if showing a roof programme of the building inside the site plan. Sometimes the site programme tin can be drawn equally a first floor programme existence cut through the kickoff floor. This is done to show the relationship from the exterior of the building to the interior archway.

Roof Plan

A Roof Plan is a plan of a edifice or house that is not cut through the building but fatigued from above. This shows everything on top of the building including the roof layout, stair bulkheads, parapets, and potentially roof equipment.

Reflected Ceiling Programme (RCP)

A Reflected Ceiling Plan is a plan of the ceiling within a infinite. This is drawn looking down as if there is a mirror on the floor reflecting the ceiling. The reflected ceiling plan is often referred to as an RCP. This architectural cartoon will bear witness things light lighting, structure, ceiling heights, soffits, etc…. When I was in my commencement semester of architecture schoolhouse the RCP was the hardest drawing for me to sympathize simply it makes perfect sense in one case y'all get it.

Plan Perspectives

A plan perspective is a cartoon of a plan but shown in perspective. This is more than of a pattern drawing meant to show what the infinite is going to look like and less how the space will exist built.

Meridian Drawing Definition

Elevation drawings are a specific type of drawing architects use to illustrate a building or portion of a building. An Elevation is drawn from a vertical plane looking straight on to a edifice facade or interior surface. This is as if you directly in front of a building and looked straight at information technology. Elevations are a common blueprint cartoon and technical architectural or engineering science convention for graphic representation of architecture. Elevation drawings are orthographic projections. This means they are non drawn in perspective and there is no foreshortening.

There are unlike types of Top Drawings:

  • Elevation
  • Interior Elevation
  • Elevation Call Out
  • Meridian Detail

Section Drawing Definition

Department drawings are a specific type of drawing architects utilise to illustrate a edifice or portion of a building. A section is drawn from a vertical aeroplane slicing through a building. This is equally if y'all cutting through a infinite vertically and stood straight in front looking straight at it. Sections are a common pattern drawing and technical architectural or engineering convention for graphic representation of architecture. Section drawings are orthographic projections (with the exception of section perspectives). This ways they are not drawn in perspective and there is no foreshortening.

In that location are dissimilar types of section drawings:

  • Department
  • Section Callout or Blow Upwards Section
  • Program Item
  • Site Plan
  • Reflected Ceiling Program or RCP

Plan Section ElevationDrawings

As an architect, I study drawing closely, but these are complicated and quite involved issues. In this commodity, nosotros reviewed some of the basic concepts with regards to Plan, Section, Meridian Drawings in Architecture. This postal service does not assume to cover every possible issue or condition, but provide a full general overview of the topic.

If you lot would like to read well-nigh the architectural process we have another mail you can check out on How to Start an Architectural Design.

Thank you for reading our blog mail on Plan, Department, Elevation Architectural Drawings.

I promise this was helpful. Please leave questions and comments below. If y'all would similar to speak with an builder, y'all can contact the states direct.

Contact Fontan Architecture

Jorge Fontan

Jorge Fontan

This post was written by Jorge Fontan AIA a Registered Architect and possessor of New York Metropolis architecture house Fontan Architecture. Jorge Fontan has earned iii degrees in the study of architecture including ii degrees from the City University of New York and a Masters Caste in Advanced Architectural Design from Columbia University. Jorge has a groundwork in construction and has been practicing compages for 15 years where he has designed renovations and new developments of various edifice types.


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