Funny Old Guy Gives Advice How to Deliver a Baby Youtube

Is there anything more adorable than a little baby discovering the world and learning life lessons? Well, apparently, it gets even cuter when there's a four-year-old brother teaching those lessons and giving his younger sibling some essential "life tips" out loud.

Aside from being absolutely adorable, the whole interaction is just hilarious and these two will definitely have you laughing out loud.

Kristina Kuzmic, YouTube screenshot


Kristina Kuzmic, YouTube screenshot

Little baby boy Finn still needs to figure out a lot of things, and his 4-year-old brother is the perfect partner.

It definitely looks like his older brother Ari would love to share all of his past experiences and share his 'ancient' wisdom with this baby brother. It's not easy being a four-year-old boy, and that's exactly what we discover in the funny footage.

Kristina Kuzmic, YouTube screenshot


Kristina Kuzmic, YouTube screenshot

"Let's talk Finn," Ari says in a determined manner. "I've been on this earth for four long years. From one man to another, here's my advice," he starts.

And you really have to watch the video at the bottom of this article to see how difficult and stressful life has been for Ari, because words simply don't do his facial expressions and mannerisms any justice.

Kristina Kuzmic, YouTube screenshot


Kristina Kuzmic, YouTube screenshot

The hilarious and scared look on baby Finn's face truly says it all!

Ari starts with a very simple truth. A very simple truth that mommy and daddy are both going to say "no" to you, a lot of the times.

It's annoying, of course, but Ari also perfectly knows how to deal with situations like these.

Kristina Kuzmic, YouTube screenshot


Kristina Kuzmic, YouTube screenshot

When mom and dad say "no", you simply go to grandma!

The next topic is watching television or things on a screen, and Ari definitely has a thing or two to say about that either.

"Mommy says, 'Too much screen time is bad,' but I don't believe it!"

Kristina Kuzmic, YouTube screenshot


Kristina Kuzmic, YouTube screenshot

Another shocker? One day, Finn will have to learn how to wipe himself.

Luckily, it's not all negative and stressful news and advice that Ari brings. For example, he encourages his baby brother to give mommy a hug every single day. Aww!

Kristina Kuzmic, YouTube screenshot


Kristina Kuzmic, YouTube screenshot

If we just take a look at little Finn, you can clearly tell that he's completely overwhelmed by all this information.

Who knew that life would be so difficult?

"Grown-ups will try to get you to sleep more. Don't do it. You might miss out on something exciting."

It's clear that Ari wants nothing but the best for his baby brother, and you can tell that he cares about him very much.

Food is another very important aspect of life as a child.




As a general rule, Ari says that he should avoid anything that's green – except for green M&M's because the exception always confirms the rule.

Kristina Kuzmic, YouTube screenshot


Kristina Kuzmic, YouTube screenshot

And if you ever get in trouble, there's also a very simple solution for that. Just sing aloud and pretend like nothing's happening!

We also see how Ari is actually singing for his brother just to make sure he knows how to do it himself.

Kristina Kuzmic, YouTube screenshot


Kristina Kuzmic, YouTube screenshot

There was one particular part that really shocked little Finn, and it's when Ari tried to explain to him where babies come from.

"Let me tell you where babies come from", after which Finn starts crying. "Yeah, that was my reaction too."

Kristina Kuzmic, YouTube screenshot


Kristina Kuzmic, YouTube screenshot

The most important life lesson, however, is that sometimes it's okay just to cry things out.

Ari also promises him that no matter what, Finn and Ari are a team forever and he'll always be there to take care of his little bro.

Kristina Kuzmic, YouTube screenshot


Kristina Kuzmic, YouTube screenshot

Ari gets out of his chair to give his baby bro a kiss on the forehead, all while mommy was watching their whole interaction closeby.

What an adorable pair!

Hear the wisdom of Ari's life advice to his baby brother in the video below.

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Jonathan Maes is a contributor at Shareably. He can be reached at


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